International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

A Case Study for Modeling and Analysis Of Rumour Spreading Rate in Two Layer Complex Network

R. Pradeep, V. R. VijayKumar, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Received On : February 15, 2020

Revised On :March 13, 2020

Accepted On : April 10, 2020

Published On : May 05, 2020

Volume 07, Issue 05

Pages : 075-079


The emergence of rumour spreading in social network is an important issue nowadays. Rumours are important form of social communication and their spreading plays a vital role in human affairs. Rumours is a social remark that contains untrue information and not to be confirmed. It spreads on large scale in short time .This work is mainly focused on the analysis of rumour spreading rate in multilayer social network. A mathematical model is developed to study the rate at which the rumour spreads largely in a multilayer network such as (Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp). In this work various model such as (Stifler Ignorant Spreader),(Sucessptible infected and recovered) (SIR) Susceptible Exposed Infectious Recovered(SEIR)are considered and in order to model the rumour spreading rate using mean field approximation technique. A stochastic model is defined for various models based on the spreading rate of the rumour and a differential equation is derived. Spreading rate comparison is made initially between two rumours in a two layered model. such that spreading rate is analysed using various models.

Cite this article

R. Pradeep, V. R. VijayKumar, “A Case Study for Modeling and Analysis Of Rumour Spreading Rate in Two Layer Complex Network,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp. 75–79, Mar. 2020.


© 2020 R. Pradeep, V. R. VijayKumar. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.