International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Restaurant Ordering Billing and Database Monitoring System

Anish Nitin Alwekar, S.D.Ruikar, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, India.

DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2016.07.01

International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Received On : June 16, 2019

Revised On : July 11, 2019

Accepted On : August 15, 2019

Published On : September 05, 2019

Volume 06, Issue 09

Pages : 1138-1142


Restaurant business is ever growing. There has been ignorance in technology when it comes to restaurants and hotels. During the peak business hours there is a lot of rush and the customers have to wait and are not served immediately. This traditional menu cards are monotonous, difficult to maintain and have to be updated or changed which is rather expensive.Therefore a solution to all such obstacle and to improve restaurants guest experience and exquisiteness of the restaurant establishment of Touchscreen Based electronic menu card is proposed which will be interfaced with Raspberry Pi an Embedded Linux board which wirelessly through Wi-Fi sends the order to the kitchen bypassing the intermediate. This system has a database which keeps track of the orders given by customers on each and every table. The business can be inspected by the owner of the restaurant remotely through the webpage which keeps on updating dynamically as the orders keep on coming. This system takes care of billing discrepancies or any kind of ill-practices that usually take place in the restaurants which are operated by owners remotely. This system is built on PHP scripting, MySQL as database, Twitter Bootstrap for front-end.


RaspberryPi(Rpi), Touch-screen, PHP(Hypertext preprocessor), MySQL, Twitter Bootstrap.

Cite this article

Anish Nitin Alwekar, S.D.Ruikar, “Restaurant Ordering Billing and Database Monitoring System” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.1138-1142, September 05, 2019.


© 2019 Anish Nitin Alwekar, S.D.Ruikar. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.