International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Design and Implementation of Home Automation using Power Electronic Switches

B. Selva Priya, R . Geethamani, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2016.12.01

International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Received On : June 07, 2019

Revised On : July 14, 2019

Accepted On : August 15, 2019

Published On : September 05, 2019

Volume 06, Issue 09

Pages : 1127-1129


In this paper, we describe the technologies and techniques used in a home automation based on 6LoWPAN. This is IP-based protocol which has the advantage that there is no extra layer or any logic is required for the communication with a node inside or outside of the network. The remotely controlling of home automation system and the home appliances has been an area of interest ever since the beginning of the concept of Personal Area Networks (PAN). With the advent of IoT (Internet of Things) and mobile applications, it has become more smart, automated devices are entering into our personal space. Numerous standard wireless protocols for this application also are available in the industry today. The problem has been always been a cost-effective comprehensive solution for an entire environment of the house and interoperability between various home appliances. In this project, we are targeting these two aspects of home automation system by shifting these focus away from adding smartness to the home appliance, to the place from where the appliance is powered( the switches). We provide alternative power electronic switch replacements for these switches and finally interface them to the wireless module to enable home automation and control of different home appliances through the internet/intranet. A working model of the home automation along with the smart power electronic switches and a model prototype of the complete home automation solution is presented.


Home Automation, 6LoWpan, cc2538, Internet, Wireless, RF Communication.

Cite this article

C. Yamunadevi, A. Rajeswari, “Design and Implementation of Home Automation using Power Electronic Switches” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.1127-1129, September 05, 2019.


© 2019 B. Selva Priya, R . Geethamani. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.