International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Improving Energy Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol for Zone Based Mobile ADHOC Networks

K. Vidhya, G. Nimidha, SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2014.04.01

International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Received On : August 15, 2015

Revised On : September 25, 2015

Accepted On : October 10, 2015

Published On : November 05, 2015

Volume 02, Issue 11

Pages : 387-390


Multicast is an efficient method for implementing group communications. However, it is challenging to implement efficient and scalable multicast in MANET due to the difficulty in group membership management and multicast packet forwarding over a dynamic topology. To reduce the topology maintenance overhead and support more reliable multicasting, an option is to make use of the position information to guide multicast routing for that introducing efficient geographic multicast protocol, EGMP. The protocol is designed to be comprehensive and self-contained, yet simple and efficient for more reliable operation. EGMP uses a virtual-zone-based structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership management. Additionally we use node life time prediction algorithm in which If there are two nodes that have the same residual energy level, an active node that is used in many data-forwarding paths consumes energy more quickly, and thus, it has a shorter lifetime than the remaining inactive node. The node lifetime that is based on its current residual energy and its past activity solution that does not need to calculate the predicted node lifetime from each data packet. Our simulation results demonstrate that EGMP has high packet delivery ratio, and low control overhead and multicast group joining delay under all test scenarios, and is scalable to both group size and network size.


Routing, Wireless Networks, Multicast, Protocol.

Cite this article

K. Vidhya, G. Nimidha, “Improving Energy Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol for Zone Based Mobile ADHOC Networks” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.387-390, November 05, 2015.


© 2015 K. Vidhya, G. Nimidha. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.