International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Design and Implementation of Ballot Malfunctioning Avoidance System Security Optimization Using Fingerprint GSM Voting System

V.M. Umale, S.M. Shinde, Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon, India.

DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2014.03.20

International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology

Received On : July 12, 2015

Revised On : August 21, 2015

Accepted On : September 13, 2015

Published On : October 05, 2015

Volume 02, Issue 10

Pages : 382-386


Electronic voting (also known as e-voting) is a term encompassing several different types of voting, embracing both electronic means of casting a vote and electronic means of counting votes. Electronic voting technology can include punch cards, optical scan voting systems and specialized voting kiosks (including self-contained Direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting systems). It can also involve transmission of ballots and votes via telephones, private computer networks, or the Internet. Electronic voting systems may offer advantages compared to other voting techniques. An electronic voting system can be involved in any one of a number of steps in the setup, distributing, voting, collecting, and counting of ballots, and thus may or may not introduce advantages into any of these steps. The main aim of this paper is develop fingerprint Electronic Voting Machine with maximum security facilities.


Punch Cards, Optical Scan, RE, Ballots, Fingerprint.

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V.M. Umale, S.M. Shinde, “Design and Implementation of Ballot Malfunctioning Avoidance System Security Optimization Using Fingerprint GSM Voting System ” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.382-386, October 05, 2015.


© 2015 V.M. Umale, S.M. Shinde. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.