L.K. Anima, G.Yuvaraj, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, ,Tamilnadu, India.
DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2014.02.02
International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology
Received On : October 07, 2014
Revised On : November 21, 2014
Accepted On : December 10, 2014
Published On : January 05, 2015
Volume 02, Issue 01
Pages : 183-187
This paper presents the VLSI implementation of an image scaling processor, in order to achieve low cost, high performance and low complexity. In the proposed scaling algorithm, the bilinear interpolation method is selected because of its characteristics with low complexity and high quality. The sharpening spatial and clamp filters are added as prefilters in order to reduce the blurring and aliasing artifacts produced by the bilinear interpolation. The clamp filter and sharpening spatial filters both convoluted by a 3×3 matrix coefficient kernel are combined into a 5×5 combined convolution filter which reduces the memory buffers and computing resources for the very large scale integration (VLSI) implementation. The computing resource and hardware cost of the bilinear interpolator can be efficiently reduced by an algebraic manipulation and hardware sharing techniques. A T-model and inversed T-model convolution kernels are proposed to reduce the complexity of the design. Combined filter is replaced bya dynamic estimation unit to minimize the hardware cost.Compared with previous low-complexity techniques, this workshows better performance with respect to cost and less complexity.
Bilinear Interpolation, Clamp Filter, Image Scaling, Sharpening Spatial Filter, VLSI.
Cite this article
L.K. Anima, G.Yuvaraj, “Designing an Image Scaling Processor for Highly Enhanced Image” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.183-187, January 05, 2015.
© 2015 L.K. Anima, G.Yuvaraj. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.