M.Ravi, S. Rajaprasad, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India.
KCK. Vijayakumar, Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India.
DOI : 01.0401/ijaict.2014.01.16
International Journal of Advanced Information and Communication Technology
Received On : May 13, 2014
Revised On : June 23, 2014
Accepted On : July 18, 2014
Published On : August 05, 2014
Volume 01, Issue 04
Pages : 079-085
With decrease in non-renewable fuels, the need for renewable fuels has gathered great momentum. The energy crisis has started to grow rapidly due to the increase in use of vehicles. To provide energy for the next generation lot of research work is going on alternative fuels. This paper deals with the use of biogas as a renewable fuel, from anaerobic digestion of animal manure waste. Here a 4- stroke single cylinder compression ignition water cooled resistive loaded diesel engine is fuelled using non-preheated biogas and preheated biogas with diesel as pilot fuel. The various controlled amount of biogas is mixed with air and is fed into the intake manifold of the engine. The amount of biogas input to the engine is controlled by the electronic flow control valve. Preheating of biogas is done by electronic heater for the temperatures of 500c, 600c, 700c and 800c and investigations are done. The temperature of the biogas is maintained at constant value by controlling the current in the heater using the controller unit. A temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature of biogas. The non-preheatedand preheated biogas is mixed with air using blower and supplied to the engine through its inlet manifold. The total fuel consumption (TFC), specific fuel consumption (SFC), brake thermal efficiency (BTE), carbon monoxide (CO) emission, hydro carbon (HC) emission, carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, oxygen (O2) emission, nitric oxides (NOx) emissions and smoke are measured by varying load using resistive loading arrangement. From the experiment, it is observed that total fuel consumption is reduced for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared with diesel fuel and it is further reduced when the preheating of biogas is used. The specific fuel consumption is also less for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is further reduced when the preheating of biogas is used. The brake thermal efficiency is higher or non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is further increased when preheating of biogas is used. The carbon monoxide emission is higher for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is reduced when heating of biogas is used. The hydro carbon emission is higher for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is reduced when heating of biogas is used. The carbon dioxide emission is higher for biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is reduced when heating of biogas is used. The oxygen emission is slightly higher for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it further increased when preheating is done on biogas. The nitric oxides emission is less for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is reduced when heating of biogas is used. The smoke emission is less for non-preheated biogas diesel fuel mixture when compared to diesel fuel and it is further reduced when heating of biogas is used. From the results it is concluded that usage of biogas in addition to diesel improves fuel consumption, efficiency and emissions.
non-renewable fuels, brake thermal efficiency, oxygen (O2) emission, biogas.
Cite this article
M.Ravi, S. Rajaprasad, KCK. Vijayakumar, “Experimental Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Nonpreheated and Preheated Biogas Addition in The Single Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, pp.079-085, August 05, 2014.
© 2014 M.Ravi, S. Rajaprasad, KCK. Vijayakumar. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.